Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Biting off just the right amount in Life!

 I am pretty active.  I follow the SEALFIT fitness code for the most part which keeps my fitness very functional and always changing.  Part of that code is CROSSFIT.  I am a level 1 certified coach of almost 2 years with several other personal training and coaching certifications.  I have spent a good amount of time mapping out how to create optimal fitness.  Here is what I do.

My week of fitness lines up like this:
3 days of short ( 30-40 min) high intensity, interval Crossfit WODS (Workouts Of the Day).
2 Days of longer period exercise like surfing for 2 hours, running distance, or doing a 2 hour SEALFIT workout.
2 Days of weight training and skill development. Skill development might be gymnastics, Olympic weight lifting, or fight training... jujitsu, combat, Qi Gong. ( couple this with the High Intensity once a week)
1 Full Day of Rest

 I also sprinkle in playing catch with the kids, handstands on the beach, yoga every morning, dancing, and other fun stuff.

My fitness programming is so great for my purposes.  I don't intend to be competitive at this stage in the game but love to learn new things.

So maybe this is SOOOOO not up your alley of interest.  I wanted to give you a brief outline of what this aspect of my life looks like because I am now learning to PROGRAM in a similar fashion my work, home life, and even education.

Basically I have a series of short, medium, and long workouts.  They are either high intensity, skill, or endurance based.

If I took my parenting moments into this concept for a week , it could look like this :

3 days of:  Morning ( HIGH INTENSITY) moving to get the kids ready for school.  This is getting dressed, breakfast, gathering your things to leave.  You can add in some music or a splash to your breakfast here to keep it lively and enjoyable!
Then a medium length, medium intensity evening with "Skill Development". This might be the time when you help them develop there reading skills, homework, or even artistic skill.  A great opportunity to spend quality time and give them that extra attention they need from you.

2 Days of : Morning ( HIGH INTENSITY) moving to get the kids ready for school.
Then "Endurance" mixed with "Skill" through the extra curricular activities that you get them too and from... dance , soccer, hockey, baseball, piano...etc.
Back home for the cool down of a (MEDIUM INTENSITY) dinner, homework, and bedtime.

2 Days, AKA the weekend, you get your kids for the KIDDY KOKORO ( which is a mix of all time and intensity domains with extra fun thrown in:)  Enjoying trips, sleepovers, good food, family time, movies,pillow fights and relaxation.

Seems like you have all your bases filled  and boxes checked in the "Good Parenting" category operating on this level right?  Well, things happen and it isn't always so peachy but it is a great schedule to strive for.  The intent is to have great, full, loving, and fun moments with manageability.

Repeat for your career/ work environment.

It seems obvious that we would do this and some of us DO schedule and plan to nauseum ! I think the better the plan the EASIER it is to cut the strings and have fun in the moments! Shoot driving my kids is always a GREAT time. We listen to favorite music and talk about the day spent apart from each other... unless someone got in trouble in school. Then it turns into  Lecture- Q-tion time ( as my son calls it). HAAA

Have a great time out there and PLAN to succeed in having great happiness.

Warrior Mother.

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